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The Gospel of Thy Grace-Arthur Pierson The Gracious Redeemer-Jennie Cranston The Grave Itself a Garden Is-Christopher Wordsworth The Great Archangel's Trump-Charles Wesley The Great Forerunner of the Morn-The Venerable Bede The Great God of Heaven-Henry Bramley The Great Healer-Thomas Upham The Great Physician-William Hunter and Richard Kempenfelt The Great White Throne-Eli Christy The Great World Task-Anna Russell The Greatness of His Mercy-Fanny Crosby The Guiding Hand-Fanny Crosby The Half Has Never Been Told-Frances Havergal The Half Was Never Told-Philip Bliss The Hallelujah Side-Johnson Oatman Jr The Hallowed Cross-John Stockton The Hallowed Spot-William Hunter The Hand That Was Nailed to the Cross-Harriet Pierson The Hands That Were Pierced-Will Jones The Handwriting on the Wall-Knowles Shaw The Happy Christmas Comes Once More-Nikolai Grundtvig The Happy Christmas Morn-Anna Barkuloo The Happy Crowning Day-Eliza Hewitt The Happy Morn Is Come-Thomas Haweis The Happy Song-Fanny Crosby The Harbor Bell-John Yates The Harp at Nature's Advent Strung-John Whittier The Harvest Is Passing-John Hague The Haven of Rest-Henry Gilmour The Head That Once Was Crowned-Thomas Kelly The Healing Fountain-Carl Stenholm The Healing Touch-Mrs E C Ellsworth The Healing Waters-H H Heimar The Heathen at Your Door-Herbert Buffum The Heav'ns Resoundeth-Christian Gellert The Heavenly Voice-Nils Frykman The Heavenly Word Proceeding Forth-Thomas Aquinas ca The Heavens Declare Thy Glory-Isaac Watts The Heavens Declare Thy Glory-Thomas Birks The Higher Rock-Lewis Hartsough The Highest Joy-Nils Frykman The Highest and the Holiest Place-Henry Alford The Holly and Ivy-Traditional The Holy Anthem-Edward Caswall The Holy City-Frederick Weatherly The Holy Dawn-Mrs George D Elderkin The Holy Ghost Is Here-Charles Spurgeon The Holy Son of God Most High-Henry More The Holy Spirit-Philip Bliss The Holy Word of God-Joshua Drake The Home Over There-DeWitt Huntington ca The Home of the Blest-Mary Slade The Homeland! O the Homeland!-Hugh Haweis The Hope Set Before You-Fanny Crosby The Hope of the Ages-Kelso Carter The Hope of the Coming of the Lord-Daniel Whittle The Hour of My Departure's Come-From Scottish Translations and Paraphrases The Hour of Prayer-Fanny Crosby The Hour-Glass-John Adams The Hymn for Conquering Martyrs Raise-The Venerable Bede The Inner Circle-Flora Kirkland The Invitation-Lydia Baxter The Joyful Morn Is Breaking-Benjamin Gough The Joyful Song-Fanny Crosby The Jubilee-Robert Kerr The Judgment Day-Johnson Oatman Jr The Judgment Day-Martin Knapp The Judgment Day-H C Warth The Judgment Day Is Coming-Elisha Hoffman The Judgment Has Set-Franklin Belden The Kindly Light Is Leading-Juliette Perry The King Is Coming in Glory-Kittie Suffield The King Is Coming!-Ira Sankey The King Rejoiceth in Thy Strength-The Psalter The King Shall Come when Morning Dawns-From the Greek The King of Glory-Charles Scoville The King of Glory Standeth-Charitie Bancroft The King of Heaven His Table Spreads-Philip Doddridge The King of Love My Shepherd Is-Henry Baker The King of Saints, How Fair His Face-Isaac Watts The King's Business-Taylor Cassel The King's Call-Harriet Rice The King's Highway-Anonymous The King's Treasures-William Runyan The Kingdom Is Coming-Mary Slade The Kingdom of Song-Adaline Beery The Kingdom over Yonder-Andrew Veatch The Kings of the East are Riding-Katharine Bates The Knock of the Nail-Pierced Hand-John Clements The Laborer's Noon-Day Hymn-William Wordsworth The Lamb Is the Light Thereof-Sophia Griswold The Lamb's High Banquet Called to Share-Ancient Latin The Lamb's High Banquet We Await-From the Latin The Land of Sunshine-Charles Edmunds The Lands That Long in Darkness Lay-Isaac Watts The Last Chance-George LeClere The Last Dread Trump Is Sounding-Hermon Batterson The Last Great Day-Daniel Warner The Last Mile of the Way-Johnson Oatman Jr The Law Commands and Makes Us Know-Isaac Watts

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.