Hymn and Gospel Song lyrics: Titles Beginning REJ

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Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart-Edward Plumptre Rejoice, Ye Righteous, in the Lord-Isaac Watts Rejoice, the King Is Risen-J E Pauley Rejoice, the Lord Is King-Charles Wesley Rejoice, the Savior Reigns!-John Anketell Religion Is the Chief Concern-John Fawcett Remember All the People-Percy Dearmer Remember Christ, Our Savior-Robert Smith Remember Not, O God-The Psalter Remember Your Mother's Prayer-Judson Van DeVenter Remember in Youth Thy Creator-Fanny Crosby Remember, Lord, Our Mortal State-Isaac Watts Repent! 'Tis the Voice of Jesus-Alfred Ackley Repent, the Kingdom Draweth Nigh-Anna Hoppe Rescue the Perishing-Fanny Crosby Resignation-Emma Tiffany Rest I Will Give You-Minnie Dietrich Rest at Home-Fanny Crosby Rest for the Weary-Samuel Harmer Rest if You Will-Fanny Crosby Rest in Jesus-Fanny Crosby Rest of the Weary-John Monsell Rest over Jordan-Fanny Crosby Resting By and By-Sidney Dyer Resting from His Work Today-Thomas Whytehead Resting in God's Peace-Thomas Magee Resting in You-Leonard Smith Resurrection Morn So Fair-Grant Tullar Resurrection Morning-Will Jones Return of Summer-Alice Cleator ca Return to Bless My Waiting Eyes-John Newton Return, O God of Love-Isaac Watts Return, O Wanderer, Return-William Collyer Return, O Wanderer, to Thy Home-Thomas Hastings Revive Thy Work, O Lord-Albert Midlane Revive Us Again-William Mackay Revive the Hearts of All-James Black Rich in Mercy-H S Thursby Ride On, Ride On in Majesty!-Henry Milman Righteous Father, We Have Wronged Thee-William Draper Righteous God! Whose Vengeful Phials-The Wesleys Ring On, Ye Bells-Grant Tullar Ring On, Ye Joyous Christmas Bells-Hera�mon Bata�tera�son Ring Out the Bells for Christmas-William Ogden Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New-Alfred Tennyson Ring Out, O Bells, in Gladness-Amy Woods Ring Out, Ring Out, O Christmas Bells-Katharine Ingmise Ring Out, Sweet Easter Bells-John Anketell Ring Out, Ye Bells-Wimsett Boulding Ring Out, Ye Throbbing Stars of Night-Anonymous before Ring the Bells of Heaven-William Cushing Ring the Bells, the Christmas Bells-Mary Seward Ring, Happy Bells of Easter Time-Lucy Larcom Ring, Ring the Bells, the Joyful Bells-Anonymous before Ring, Sweet Bells-May Davis Ring, Ye Bells!-Minerva Boyce Ring, Ye Chiming Bells-Flora Kirkland Rise Up and Hasten-Joseph Smith Rise Up, O Men of God-William Merrill Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow-AfricanAmerican spiritual Rise at the Cry of Battle-Ada Greenaway Rise from Your Graves, Ye Dead-Johann Starck Rise in the Strength of God-Ada Greenaway Rise! To Arms!-Wilhelm Arends Rise, All Who Seek the Crucified-Charles Wesley Rise, Arise!-Anna Hoppe Rise, Children of God-Luther Roth Rise, Crowned with Light-Alexander Pope Rise, Glorious Conqueror-Matthew Bridges Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings-Robert Seagrave Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray-Johann Freystein Rise, O My Soul, Pursue the Path-John Needham Rise, O Salem, Rise and Shine-Johann Rist Rise, Thou Light of Gentile Nations-Hermann Fick Rise, Ye Children of Salvation-Justus Falckner Risen-Anonymous ca Risen for Me-Lucinda Bateman Risen! Hallelujah!-Lizzie DeArmond Rites Cannot Change the Heart-William Bunting Rock in the Desert-Fanny Crosby Rock of Ages-Augustus Toplady Rock of Ages, Let Our Song-th Century Hebrew hymn Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep-Emma Willard Rod of the Root of Jesse-Cosmas the Melodist th Century Roll On, Thou Mighty Ocean-James Edmeston Roll Out, O Song, to God!-Frank Sewall Roll the Stone Away-Ora Gray Room for Jesus-F M Atkinson Room for You-Eliza Hewitt Room for the Penitent-Fanny Crosby Room for the World-Charles Elliott Rorate-William Dunbar Rosy Dawn, with Locks of Gold-Translated by John Brownlie Round Me Falls the Night-William Romanis Round the Lord in Glory Seated-James Lowell Round the Sacred City Gather-Samuel Stone Round the Throne of Glory-Anonymous before Royal Day That Chaseth Gloom-From th Germany Royal Songs-Fanny Crosby Ruler of the Hosts of Light-Cluniac Breviary

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.