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How Good and Pleasant Is the Sight-From Psalm How Great Our Joy-German carol How Great Thou Art-Stuart Hine How Great the Goodness Kept in Store-The Psalter How Great the Wisdom-Benjamin Beddome How Happy Are They-Charles Wesley How Happy Are Thy Servants, Lord-Charles Wesley How Happy Are We-Philip Bliss th Century How Happy Are the Little Flock-Charles Wesley How Happy Every Child of Grace-Charles Wesley How Happy Is the Pilgrim's Lot-John Wesley How Heavy Is the Night-Isaac Watts How Helpless Guilty Nature Lies-Anne Steele How Honorable Is the Place-Isaac Watts How Hurtful Was the Choice of Lot-John Newton How I Love Thy Law, O Lord-The Psalter How Long Must We Wait-Samuel Glagow How Long Wilt Thou Conceal Thy Face-Isaac Watts How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me-The Psalter How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Lord-From Psalm How Long, O Lord-James Deck How Long, O Lord, Shall I Complain-Isaac Watts How Lost Was My Condition-John Newton How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair-John Milton How Lovely Are Thy Tents, O Lord-Charles Wesley How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place-Scottish Psalter How Lovely Shines the Morning Star-Philipp Nicolai How Lovely on the Mountain-Fanny Crosby How Lovely, How Divinely Sweet-Anne Steele How Lovely, Lord of Hosts, to Me-The Psalter How Loving Is Jesus!-Randall Ballantyne How Many Are Your Works, Lord-Susan Peterson How Many Pass the Guilty Night-Charles Wesley How Marvelous God's Greatness-Valdimar Briem How Much Greater Is His Love!-Thomas Chisholm How Oft We Are There-Fanny Crosby How Oft in Holy Converse-Fanny Crosby How Oft, Alas!-Anne Steele How Oft, O Lord, Thy Face Hath Shone-William Bright How Pleasant and How Good It Is-The Psalter How Pleasant, How Divinely Fair-Isaac Watts How Pleased and Blest Was I-Isaac Watts How Precious Is the Book Divine-John Fawcett How Precious, Lord, Thy Sacred Word-Isaac Watts How Rich Thy Bounty, King of Kings!-Philip Doddridge How Sad Our State by Nature Is!-Isaac Watts How Shall I Follow Him I Serve-Josiah Conder How Shall I Meet Thee-Paul Gerhardt How Shall I My Savior Set Forth-James Maxwell How Shall I Sing that Majesty-John Mason How Shall We Answer Terror's Cry-Richard Adams How Shall We Escape-James McGranahan How Shall the Young Direct Their Way-The Psalter How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts-Isaac Watts How Strong and Sweet My Father's Care-Anonymous before How Sweet Are the Tidings-Anonymous How Sweet and Aweful Is the Place-Isaac Watts How Sweet and Silent Is the Place-Alice Palmer How Sweet the Hour-Fanny Crosby How Sweet the Hour of Closing Day-William Bathurst How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds-John Newton How Sweet to Reflect on Those Joys-W C Tillou How Sweet, How Heavenly Is the Sight-Joseph Swain How Sweetly Flowed the Gospel's Sound-John Bowring How Swift the Torrent Rolls-Philip Doddridge How Tedious and Tasteless-John Newton How Vain the Cruel Herod's Fear-Caelius Sedulius ca How Vast the Benefits Divine-Augustus Toplady How Weak the Thoughts, and Vain-The Wesleys How Welcome Was the Call-Henry Baker How Wonderful It Is to Walk with God-Theodore Kitching How Wondrous and Great Thy Works-Henry Onderdonk How You Will Love Him!-Eben Rexford How the Fire Fell-Johnson Oatman How the Lord from Heaven Came-Frank Sewall Hungering and Thirsting-Anna Robbins Hungry, and Faint, and Poor-John Newton Hush! Blessed Are the Dead-Edward Bickersteth Hush, All Ye Sounds of War-William Draper Hush, My Dear-JeanJacques Rousseau Hush, My Soul, What Voice Is Pleading-John Lester Hushed Was the Evening Hymn-James Burns Hymn of Promise-Natalie Sleeth Hymn to a Gracious Sovereign-Neil Barham I Aint Gwine Study War No More-AfricanAmerican spiritual I Am Anchored Safe-Fanny Crosby I Am Coming Home-Alfred Ackley I Am Coming to the Cross-William McDonald I Am Determined to Hold Out-Chetwynd Hamilton and T P Hamilton I Am Happy-John McPhail I Am Happy in Him-Edwin Excell I Am Hated, Lord-William Allen I Am His, and He Is Mine-George Robinson I Am Jesus' Little Lamb-Henriette von Hayn I Am Not Skilled to Understand-Dororothy Greenwell I Am Not Worthy, Holy Lord-Henry Baker I Am Praying for You-Samuel Cluff I Am Redeemed-Fanny Crosby I Am Resolved-Palmer Hartsough I Am Satisfied-Franklin Belden

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.