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Holy Jesus! God of Love!-Thomas Parnell Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess-Charles Wesley Holy Lamb, Who Thee Receive-Anna Dober Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth-William Cowper Holy Sabbath-Fanny Crosby Holy Savior, We Adore Thee-Samuel Tregelles Holy Spirit, Come and Shine-From the Latin Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide-Marcus Wells Holy Spirit, God of Love-Birgitte Boye Holy Spirit, Hear Us-Josef Mohr Holy Spirit, Hear Us(-William Parker Holy Spirit, Lord of Light-From the Latin Holy Spirit, Pity Me-William Bunting Holy Spirit, Source of Gladness-Paul Gerhardt Holy Spirit, Truth Divine-Samuel Longfellow Holy Spirit, from on High-William Bathurst Holy Trinity, Thanks and Praise to Thee-Lorenz Nyberg Holy and Reverend Is the Name-John Needham Holy as Thou, O Lord, Is None-Charles Wesley Holy, Holy, Holy-Reginald Heber Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord-Fanny Crosby Holy, Holy, Holy Lord-Christopher Wordsworth Holy, Holy, Holy Lord-Willilam Dodd� Holy, Holy, Holy Lord-Michael Cullinan Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts-James Montgomery Holy, Holy, Holy! God of Grace and Glory!-William Fereday and H P Barker Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, Thy Disciples-Percy MacKaye Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing-Johnson Oatman Jr Holy, Holy, Lord Almighty-Susan Peterson Holy, Holy, Lord(Wesley)-Charles Wesley Holy, and True, and Righteous Lord-Charles Wesley Home Ties-James Garth Home at Last-Fanny Crosby Home at Last-Maria Crozier Home at Last-William Cushing Home of the Soul-Ellen Gates Homes Are God's Purest Shrines-Clarence Felton Homeward Bound-James Rowe Homeward Bound-William Warren Honey Out of the Rock-Lanta Smith Honey in the Rock-Frederick Graves Honor and Glory, Power and Salvation-Anonymous Honor and Glory, Thanksgiving and Praise-th Century Latin Hosanna We Sing-George Hodges Hosanna in the Highest-Charles Wesley Hosanna to the King!-Jennie Wilson Hosanna to the Living Lord-Reginald Heber Hosanna unto David's Son-Cyrus Bartol Hosanna! Be the Children's Song-James Montgomery Hosanna! Hosanna!-William Libberton Hosanna, Loud Hosanna-Jeannette Threlfall Hosannah to the Prince of Light-Isaac Watts Hosts of God Go Forth to Battle-Laura Rice Hour by Hour-Fanny Crosby House of Our God-Philip Doddridge How Are Thy Servants Blest, O Lord!-Joseph Addison How Awesome Is This Place-Ralph Merrifield How Awful Is Thy Chastening Rod-Isaac Watts How Beauteous Are Their Feet-Isaac Watts How Beauteous Were the Marks Divine-Arthur Coxe How Beauteous on the Mountains-Benjamin Gough How Beautiful the Mystery-Eric Schumacher How Beautiful the Sight-James Montgomery How Bitter-Sweet the Mystery-Eric Schumacher ca How Blessed, from the Bonds of Sin-Karl Spitta How Blest Are They Who Hear God's Word-Johan Brun How Blest Is He Whose Trespass-The Psalter How Blest Was That Life-Anonymous before How Blest Were They on Bethlehem's Plain-Mrs Bodley th Century How Blest a Home!-Janette Trench How Blest the Man Who Fears the Lord-From Psalm How Blest the Man Who Thoughtfully-The Psalter How Blest the Matron, Who, Endued-Silvio Antoniano How Blest the Perfect in the Way-The Psalter How Blest the Righteous When He Dies-Anna Barbauld How Bright Appears the Morning Star-Philipp Nicolai How Bright These Glorious Spirits Shine-Isaac Watts How Brightly Beams the Morning Star!-Johann Schlegel How Calm and Beautiful the Morn-Thomas Hastings How Can I Help but Love Him-Elton Roth How Can I Keep from Singing-Robert Lowry How Can I Look on Calvary's Cross-T A Owen How Can I, Lord, Keep My Way Pure-Susan Peterson How Can We Sinners Know-Charles Wesley How Charming Is the Place-Samuel Stennett How Cheering Is the Christian's Hope-Anonymous How Condescending and How Kind-Isaac Watts How David, When by Sin Deceived-James Merrick How Dear to Me, O Lord of Hosts-The Psalter How Did My Heart Rejoice to Hear-Isaac Watts How Far from Home-Annie Smith How Fast Their Guilt and Sorrows Rise-Isaac Watts How Few Receive with Cordial Faith-Scottish Translations How Firm a Foundation-John Rippon How Gentle God's Commands-Philip Doddridge How Glorious Is the Life Above-Charles Wesley How Glorious Sion's Courts Appear-Scottish How Good Is the God We Adore-Joseph Hart How Good It Is to Thank the Lord-The Psalter How Good It Is, Lord-Susan Peterson

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.