Song Book Index

The Angler's Songbook - online

A Collection of lyrics for 200+ Songs Related to Angling

By Robert Blakey, Published By George Cox London, Circa 1855

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Anglers Song Book

About This Book

There have been several distinct collections of Angling Songs published within the last few years ; but all that have fallen in my way, have been local in language, turn of thought, and descriptive al­lusions. There are North of England Songs,. Scottish Songs, and Songs in the dialects of the West of England. There is not, as far as 1 am aware, any general collection of Fishing Songs, embodying the poetical warblings of piscatorians of all parts of the kingdom. It is chiefly to sup­ply this deficiency that the present small volume is published. A great number of the pieces have never been printed before, having been collected from private sources; and several have only ap­peared in local newspapers, magazines, &c They have been throwu together somewhat at random ; and ail that can be said for their merits is, that they are the production of practical Anglers, and are addressed to the feelings and sentiments of those who have a sympathy with them in the prosecution of their common craft. A man who makes verses with a rod in his hand, on his wanderings and musings on the river side, does not pretend to ap­peal to the deep sympathies of the world at large. His themes are trite—his range very limited ; and the extent of his ambition is, that his effusions may be relished by those who are fond of a common source of amusement and recreation. He challen­ges no learned criticism, nor does he expect his brow to be encircled with wreaths of laurel. For enthusiastic Anglers—and they are now a numerous and daily-increasing body in every civil­ized country—this volume is, therefore, more espe­cially designed. And I can only say, that if the reader derives half the pleasure from its perusal, that I have experienced in collecting its contents, he will find it the cheapest work he ever pur­chased.

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