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notes & strings

Fig. 18 shows the range of the ukulele and the notes that
you make by putting your fingers against the different frets
(raised cross pieces on the fingerboard). To avoid confusion
in the diagram of the staff, the notes of the A or fourth string
are written an octave lower than they actually sound. You will
not need to learn all these notes at the beginning, since for the
most part you will only use a few of them. Furthermore, since
the uke is played by strumming chords on it rather than play-
ing melodies one note at a time, the thing you have to do is to
learn the chords rather than the single notes. This figure is put
in here, so you can always refer to it to spot any of the notes.

In the drawing of the fingerboard in Fig. 18, we have shown
both sharps and flats, which puts two notes at some of the
frets. Actually, these notes signify the same sound, but they are
written with a sharp when the music is in a sharp key and with
a flat when the music is written in a flat key.


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