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The Beautiful Way-Katharine Wadsworth The Bells-Irvin Mack The Bells Are Calling-Fanny Crosby The Bells of Easter-Burton Winslow ca The Bells of Eternity-William Cushing The Bells of Hope-Isaac Meredith The Best Friend to Have Is Jesus-Peter Bilhorn The Bible-William Bradbury The Bible-C L Eby The Bible Is a Brilliant Lamp-Richard Adams The Bible Stands-Haldor Lillenas The Bible of Our Fathers-Clarence Strouse The Bird Song-Arthur Coxe The Bird with the Broken Wing-Hezekiah Butterworth The Birthday of Our King-Harriet Jones The Birthday of Our King-Hattie Bennett The Birthday of a King-William Neidlinger The Blasts of Chill December-Norval Clyne The Blessed Book-Birdie Bell The Blessed Feast-Fanny Crosby The Blood Is All My Plea-Louis Eisenbeis The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power-Civilla Martin The Blood of Christ, Thy Spotless Lamb-William Pond before The Blood of the Crucified One-James McKim The Blood-Washed Throng-Fanny Crosby The Boar's Head Carol-From Wynkyn de Worde The Book My Mother Read-Edwin Ufford The Book of Truth-William McCauley The Breath of the Spirit-Civilla Martin The Bridegroom Meets His Bride-James Stephens ca The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us-Johann Walther The Bright Forever-Fanny Crosby The Bright Forevermore-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The Bright, Happy Home-John McGarvey The Broken Heart-Thomas Dennis ca The Buds Are Bursting on the Trees-Mabel Osgood The Call of the Christ-William Poole The Call to Arms Is Sounding-Claudia Hernaman The Call to Rally-O L Markham The Canaan Land of Perfect Love-Ella Parks The Cedar of Lebanon-Richard Littledale The Cedars and the Pines-Marian Froelich The Celestial City-Grace Watkins The Charge of the Faithful-Julia Donnahan The Chariot-Unknown The Chariots of the Lord Are Strong-John Brownalie The Cherry Tree Carol-Anonymous The Child and the Shepherd-Frank Sewall The Child in the Midst-Adaline Beery The Child of Bethlehem-Marian Froelich The Children's Carol-F E Pettingell The Children's Savior-R P Clark The Chosen Three, on Mountain Height-David Ela The Christian Flag-Fanny Crosby The Christian's Good Night-Sarah Doudney The Christian's Inheritance-Hannah Richards The Christmas Bells-George Taylor The Christmas Bells Peal Merrily-Elisha Hoffman The Christmas Stars Are Shining-Julia Goddard The Church Has Waited Long-Horatius Bonar The Church in the Village-F E Blanchard The Church of God Is One-Daniel Whittle The Church of God Is Stablished-Lucius Thayer The Church of God a Kingdom Is-Lionel Muirhead The Church's One Foundation-Samuel Stone The City Beyond-Mrs Thomas Pierce The City Paved with Gold-William How The City of Our God-Richard Adams The Cleansing Blood-Mrs Elizabeth Miller The Cleansing Fountain-Ira Sankey The Clefted Rock-Nancy Byers The Clouds of Judgment Gather-Bernard of Morlaix th Century The Comforter Has Come-Frank Bottome The Coming Judgment Day-E G Blackmon The Coming One-F E Pettingell The Coming of His Feet-Whitney Allen The Coming of the Lord-Anonymous The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh-Joseph Martin The Conflict of the Ages-Lelia Morris The Conqueror-Salathial Kirk The Conqueror's Tread-Florence Potter The Consecration Hour Is Nigh-Frederic Snow The Countless Multitudes on High-Robert Sandeman The Cradle on the Nile-Alfred Hough The Crib and the Cross-Ben Boulter The Cross Is Not Greater-Ballington Booth The Cross of Jesus-George Muller or Frederick Whitfield The Cross of My Redeemer-Fanny Crosby The Crowning Day(Blair)-Thomas Blair The Crowning Day(Whittle)-Daniel Whittle The Cry of the Heathen-Martin Knapp The Dawn Is Sprinkling in the East-Ambrose of Milan The Dawn of God's Dear Sabbath-Ada Cross The Day Draws on with Golden Light-Ambrose of Milan The Day Is Gently Sinking to a Close-Christopher Wordsworth The Day Is Past and Gone-John Leland The Day Is Past and Over-Anatolius th Century The Day Is Slowly Wending-May Rowland The Day Is Surely Drawing Near-Bartholomaus Ringwald The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended-John Ellerton

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.