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Now Is the Accepted Time-John Dobell Now Is the Healing Time Decreed-From the Latin Now Is the Time to Decide-Harriet Church Now Israel May Say-The Psalter Now Israel's Hope in Triumph Ends-Samuel Hedborn Now Let All Loudly Sing Praise-Matthus von Lowenstern Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee-Philipp Nicolai Now Let Our Cheerful Eyes Survey-Philip Doddridge ca Now Let Our Lips with Holy Fear-Isaac Watts Now Let Our Mournful Songs Record-Isaac Watts Now Let Our Mourning Hearts Revive-Philip Doddridge Now Let Our Souls on Wings Sublime-Thomas Gibbons Now Let Us All Arise and Sing-Emily Balch Now Let Us Come Before Him-Paul Gerhardt Now Let Us Join with Hearts and Tongues-John Newton Now Let Us Sing the Angels' Song-Anonymous Now Let the Feeble All Be Strong-Philip Doddridge Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound-Paul Strodach Now Lift the Carol-A M Morgan Now May He Who from the Dead-John Newton Now May the God of Power and Grace-Isaac Watts Now Our God-Ralph Merrifield Now Plead My Cause, Almighty God-Isaac Watts Now Praise We Christ, the Holy One-th Century Latin Now Praise We Great and Famous Men-William Tarrant Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow-Paul Gerhardt Now Rest, Ye Pilgrim Host-Rossiter Raymond Now Satan Comes with Dreadful Roar-Isaac Watts Now Shall My Solemn Vows Be Paid-Isaac Watts Now Sweeping Down the Years Untold-Laura Nourse Now Thank We All Our God-Martin Rinkart Now That the Daylight Dies Away-Ambrose of Milan th Century Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky-Ambrose of Milan Now That the Sun Is Gleaming Bright-Ambrose of Milan th Century Now We Bring Our Christmas Treasures-Maria Bulfinch Now Woods and Wolds Are Sleeping-Paul Gerhardt Now Yield We Thanks and Praise-Howard Robbins Now from the Altar of My Heart-John Mason Now from the Roaring Lion's Rage-Isaac Watts Now from the World Withdrawn-George Heath Now in the Days of Youth-Walter Mathams Now the Busy Week Is Done-John Jones Now the Day Is Over-Sabine BaringGould Now the Green Blade Rises-John Crum Now the King in Thy Strength Shall Be Joyful-From Psalm Now the Laborer's Task Is O'er-John Ellerton Now the Lord Our Souls Has Fed-Annie Marston Now the Shades of Night Are Gone-Samson Occom Now the Silence-Jaroslav Vajda Now the Year Is Crowned with Blessing-Ellen Fowler Now to God, Our Strength and Savior-The Psalter Now to Heaven Our Prayer Ascending-William Hickson Now to the Lord a Noble Song-Isaac Watts Now to the Lord, Who Makes Us Know-Isaac Watts Now unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty-From Psalm Now with Creation's Morning Song-Aurelius Prudentiuscirca Now with Joyful Exultation-The Psalter Now, Gracious Lord, Thine Arm Reveal-John Newton Now, My Soul, Thy Voice Upraising-Claude de Santeuil Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling-Thomas Aquinas th Century Now, When the Dusky Shades of Night-Gregory I Now, in a Song of Grateful Praise-Samuel Medley Now, on Land and Sea Descending-Samuel Longfellow Now, the Hour of Worship O'er-Hartmann Schenck Nowell Hail, Gentle King-Walter Maristow before Nowell! Nowell!-George Woodward before Numberless as the Sands-Francis Blackmer O 'Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear-Tate and Brady O All Ye Nations, Praise the Lord-Isaac Watts O All Ye Peoples, Bless Our God-The Psalter O Be Saved-Fanny Crosby O Beautiful Sea-Fanny Crosby O Beautiful for Spacious Skies-Katharine Bates O Believe Him-Fanny Crosby O Bethlem Town Tonight Is Cold-Gordon Bottomley O Bless the Lord, My Soul-Isaac Watts O Bless the Lord, My Soul-James Montgomery O Blessed Be the Lord-Fanny Crosby O Blessed Bible-Fanny Crosby O Blessed Day of Days-F E Pettingell O Blessed Day of Motherhood!-Ernest McGregor O Blessed Day!-Burtis White O Blessed Holy Trinity-Martin Behm O Blessed Home Where Man and Wife-Magnus Landstad O Blessed Hour-Charles Groenendyke O Blessed Jesus! This-Martin Luther O Blessed Lord, What Hast Thou Done!-Mary Peters O Blessed Savior, Lord of Love-Maltbie Babcock O Blessed Son of God-Harry Crain O Blessed Souls Are They-Isaac Watts O Blessed Word-L W Munhall O Blest Creator of the Light-th Century Latin O Boundless Wisdom, God Most High-th Century Latin O Bread of Life from Heaven-Maintzich Gesangbuch O Bread to Pilgrims Given-Maintzich Gesangbuch O Breath of God, Breathe on Us Now-Alfred Vine O Breath of Life-Bessie Head ca O Bride of Christ, Rejoice!-th Century Danish O Brightness of th'Immortal Father's Face-rd Century Greek O Brother Man-John Whittier

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.