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Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken-Henry Lyte Jesus, I Will Ponder Now-Sigismund von Birken Jesus, I Will Trust Thee-Mary Walker Jesus, I'll Go Through with Thee-Mrs E E Williams Jesus, Immortal King, Arise-Aaron Seymour Jesus, Jesus Only-Maud Fraser Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus-Ludamilia Elisabeth Jesus, Keep Me Near Thee-William Horner Jesus, King Most Wonderful-J M Blose Jesus, King of Glory-Hope Davison Jesus, Kneel Beside Me-Allen Cross Jesus, Lamb of God, for Me-Ray Palmer Jesus, Let All Thy Lovers Shine-Charles Wesley Jesus, Let Thy Pitying Eye-Charles Wesley Jesus, Lord and Precious Savior-17th Century German Jesus, Lord of Our Salvation-Frederick Newman Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee-Charles Wesley Jesus, Lover of My Soul-Charles Wesley Jesus, Master, Hear Me Now-William Maxwell Jesus, Master, Whose I Am-Frances Havergal Jesus, Meek and Gentle-George Prynne Jesus, Merciful and Mild-Thomas Hastings Jesus, My Advocate Above-Charles Wesley Jesus, My All-Fanny Crosby Jesus, My All in All-Charles Jones Jesus, My All, to Heaven Is Gone-John Cennick Jesus, My Friend-Henry de Fluiter Jesus, My King, with Thorn-Crowned Brow-Clara�ence Ebera�man Jesus, My Lord, How Rich Thy Grace!-Philip Doddridge Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All-Henry Collins Jesus, My Only Hope-Fanny Crosby Jesus, My Savior, Died-Frank Allaben Jesus, My Savior, Let Me Be-Benjamin Beddome Jesus, My Savior, Look on Me-Charlotte Elliott Jesus, My Savior, What Didst Thou See-Edward Munro Jesus, My Strength, My Hope-Charles Wesley Jesus, Name of Wondrous Love-William How Jesus, O Precious Name-Anna Hoppe Jesus, Only Jesus-Selina Pearce Jesus, Our Lord and King-Anonymous Jesus, Our Lord, Ascend Thy Throne-Isaac Watts Jesus, Our Wonderful Savior-Fanny Crosby Jesus, Precious Savior-William Luff Jesus, Priceless Treasure-Johann Franck Jesus, Refuge of the Weary-Girolamo Savonarola Jesus, Rose of Sharon-Ida Guirey Jesus, Savior, Come to Me-Johann Scheffler Jesus, Savior, Friend of Sinners-Robert Coleman Jesus, Savior, Now Is Calling-Martha Elerick Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me-Edward Hopper Jesus, Savior, We Implore Thee-Fanny Crosby Jesus, Son of God Most High-Thomas Pollock Jesus, Son of Mary, Fount of Life Alone-From the Swahili Jesus, Stand Among Us-William Pennefather Jesus, Still Lead On-Nikolaus von Zinzendorf Jesus, Sun and Shield Art Thou-Horatius Bonar Jesus, Take This Heart of Mine-Ernest Wesley Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me-Mary Duncan Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen-Ray Palmer Jesus, Thine All Victorious Love-Charles Wesley Jesus, Thou All Redeeming Lord-Charles Wesley Jesus, Thou Art Mine Forever-Matthias Loy Jesus, Thou Art the Sinner's Friend-Richard Burnham Jesus, Thou Divine Companion-Henry van Dyke Jesus, Thou Everlasting King-Isaac Watts Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts-Bernard of Clairvaux Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys-Charles Wesley Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me-Paul Gerhardt Jesus, Thy Church with Longing Eyes-William Bathurst Jesus, Thy Name Has Power to Bless-Basilius Fartsch Jesus, Thy Name I Love-James Deck Jesus, United by Thy Grace-Charles Wesley Jesus, We Are Coming-George Beaverson Jesus, We Are Far Away-Thomas Pollock Jesus, We Look to Thee-Charles Wesley Jesus, We Love to Meet-Elizabeth Parson Jesus, We on the Word Depend-Charles Wesley Jesus, Where'er Thy People Meet-William Cowper Jesus, While Our Hearts Are Bleeding-Thomas Hastings Jesus, Who Bought Us with His Blood-John Newton Jesus, Whose Blood So Freely Streamed-William Cowper Jesus, Wondrous Savior-Daniel McGregor Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be-Joseph Grigg Jesus, from Whom All Blessings Flow-Charles Wesley Jesus, in My Walk and Living-Johan Hjertan Jesus, in Sickness and in Pain-Thomas Gallaudet Jesus, in Thee Our Eyes Behold-Isaac Watts Jesus, in Thy Dying Woes-Thomas Pollock Jesus, o'er the Grave Victorious-Elnathan Higbee Jesus, the All-Restoring Word-Charles Wesley Jesus, the Calm That Fills My Breast-Frank North Jesus, the Conqueror, Reigns-Charles Wesley Jesus, the Crucified-H D Spear Jesus, the Helper-Etta Harbour Jesus, the Light of the World-Mrs J V Coombs Jesus, the Rising Lord of All-Charles Wesley Jesus, the Sinner's Friend-Charles Wesley Jesus, the Truth and Power Divine-Charles Wesley Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee-Bernard of Clairvaux th Century Jesus, to Thy Table Led-Robert Baynes

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.