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It Cleanseth Me-F L Snyder It Fell upon a Summer Day-Stopford Brooke It Is Finished! Blessed Jesus-William MacLagan It Is Finished! Man of Sorrows-Frederick Hedge It Is Finished!(Proctor)-James Proctor It Is Finished(Gillett)-Gabriel Gillett It Is Finished, All the Pain-Stopford Brooke It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him-Avis Christiansen It Is Glory to Talk with Him-Albert Fisher It Is Good to Be Here-Isaac Wilson It Is Good to Praise th'Almighty-Susan Peterson It Is Good to Sing Thy Praises-The Psalter It Is I-Frederick Crafts It Is I, Be Not Afraid-D A Woodworth It Is Just a Step-Arthur Tubbs It Is Mine-Elisha Hoffman It Is Not Death to Die-Henri Malan It Is Truly Wonderful-Barney E Warren It Is Waiting There for Me!-Eden Latta It Is Well with My Soul-Horatio Spafford It Is Wonderful to Me!-Edward Avis It Is a Thing Most Wonderful-William How It Is for Us All Today-Leander Pickett It Is the Blood that Washes White-William Pearson It Is the Lord Our Savior's Hand-Isaac Watts It May Not Be Our Lot-John G Whittier ca It Must Be Settled Tonight-C B Kendall It Must Be Told-Almeda Wright It Passeth Knowledge-Mary Shekleton It Pays to Serve Jesus-Frank Huston It Singeth Low in Every Heart-John Chadwick It Was His Love-Elisha Hoffman It Was for Me-Janet Harding It's Just Like Him-W L Stone It's Just Like His Great Love-Edna Worrell It's Real-Homer Cox Ivory Palaces-Henry Barraclough Jehovah Hear Thee in Thy Grief-From Psalm Jehovah Hear Thee in the Day-Scottish Psalter and Paraphrases Jehovah Is My Light-From Psalm Jehovah Is Our Strength-Samuel Bernard Jehovah Reigns Supreme-The Psalster Jehovah Reigns in Majesty-The Psalter Jehovah Reigns, Let Earth Be Glad-The Psalter Jehovah Reigns�He Dwells in Light-Isaac Watts Jehovah Sits Enthroned-From Psalm Jehovah from His Throne on High-The Psalter Jehovah's Perfect Law-The Psalter Jehovah, God the Father, Bless-Charles Wesley Jehovah, God, Thy Gracious Power-John Thomson Jehovah, God, Who Dwelt of Old-Lewis Amis Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee-Bartholomaus Crasselius Jehovah, My God, on Thy Help I Depend-The Psalter Jehovah, Thee We Praise-Wilson Hogue before Jehovah, to My Prayer Give Ear-The Psalter Jerusalem-William Blake ca Jerusalem Divine-Benjamin Rhodes Jerusalem My Happy Home-Joseph Bromehead Jerusalem on High-Samuel Crossman Jerusalem the Golden-Bernard of Morlaix Jerusalem, Arise-Joseph Proud Jerusalem, Jerusalem-Karolina SandellBerg Jerusalem, Lift Up Thy Voice-Johan Wallin Geistliche Lieder Jerusalem, Thou City Bright-Frank Sewall Jesu Hail! O God Most Holy-From the Latin and Jesu! Name All Names Above-Theoktistus ca Jesu! Our Eternal King!-John Anketell Jesu! Speak to Me in Love-George Body Jesu! The Very Thought is Sweet!-From the Latin Jesu, Gentlest Savior-Frederick Faber Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray-From the Latin Jesu, Jesu-Thomas Colvin Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring-Martin Janus Jesu, Lord of Life and Glory-James Cummins Jesu, Meek and Lowly-Henry Collins Jesu, My Savior, Brother, Friend-Charles Wesley Jesu, Name of Sweetest Thought-Bernard of Clairavaux Jesu, Our Hope, Our Hearts' Desire-From the Latin Jesu, Our Lenten Fast of Thee-From the Latin Jesu, Show Us Thy Salvation-Charles Wesley Jesu, Thy Blood and Righteousness-Nikolaus von Zinzendorf Jesu, Thy Mercies Are Untold-Bernard of Clairvaux Jesu, for the Beacon-Light-Henry Baker Jesu, the Father's Only Son-th Century Latin Jesu, the Virgins' Crown-From the Latin Jesu, the World's Redeeming Lord-From the Latin Jesus-William Runyan Jesus All the Way-Flora Kirkland Jesus Arose!-Luetta Snyder Jesus Bids Us Shine-Susan Warner Jesus Calls Thee-Mrs S A Collins Jesus Calls Us-Cecil Alexander Jesus Came Down My Ransom to Be-Emmanuel Rolfe Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring-Godfrey Thring Jesus Christ Is Passing By-Joseph Smith Jesus Christ Is Risen Today-Lyra Davidica John Arnold and Charles Wesley Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense-Luise of Brandenburg Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior-John Hus Jesus Comes-Phoebe Palmer Jesus Died for Me-Elva Abbott

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.