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Come Down, O Love Divine-Bianco of Siena Come Hither, All Ye Weary Souls-Isaac Watts Come Hither, Ye Children-Unknown Come Hither, Ye Faithful-Latin th Century Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest-Rhabanus Maurus ca Come Holy Ghost, Eternal God-From the Latin Come Holy Spirit, Dove Divine-Francis Hickok Come Home, My Child-Fanny Crosby Come In, O Come!-Handley Moule Come Near Me-George Lloyd Come Oh Come-Mary Johnson Come On, My Partners in Distress-Charles Wesley Come Over and Help Us-A F Myers Come Over on the Sunny Side-A A Baldwin Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing-Juraj Tranovský Come Sing, Ye Choirs Exultant-Adam of St Victor th Century Come Then, Thou Prophet of the Lord-Charles Wesley Come This Way-David King Come Ye That Love the Savior's Name-Anne Steele Come Ye That Seek the Lord-Charles Wesley Come Ye Yourselves Apart-Edward Bickersteth Come and Dine-Charles Widmeyer Come and Hear the Words of Jesus-Susan Peterson Come and See-Wilfried Rowntree Come in, O Blessed One-Fanny Crosby Come in, Thou Blessed of the Lord-James Montgomery Come in, Thou Blessed, Honored Lord-Joseph Proud Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain-James Montgomery Come to Christ, the Lord-Cleo Dale Come to Him Now(Cameron)-Hugh Cameron Come to Him Now(Ogborn)-W N Ogborn Come to Jesus-Eden Latta Come to Judgment-Charles Wesley Come to Me-Lura Hammond Come to Me, O Blessed Spirit-Annie Potter Come to Our Poor Nature's Night-George Rawson Come to the Feast-Margaret Moody Come to the Fountain-Fanny Crosby Come to the Manger-Uknown Come to the Manger, in Bethlehem-Elizabeth Mitchell Come to the Master-Harry Palmer Come to the Place of Prayer-Robert Turnbull Come to the Savior-George Root Come to the Savior Now-John Wigner Come unto Me-Eliza Hewitt Come unto Me-Anna Share Come unto Me-Joseph Martin Come unto Me-George Orbin Come unto Me-Susan Peterson Come unto Me-Charles Jones Come unto Me-Nathaniel Norton Come unto Me, When Shadows Darkly Gather-Cathrine Esling Come unto Me, Ye Weary-William Dix Come unto Me, Ye Weary-Fanny Crosby Come unto Me, and Rest-Daniel Whittle Come with Happy Faces-Fanny Crosby Come with Rejoicing-Fanny Crosby Come with the Wise Men-Burton Winslow Come! Tune Your Heart-Christian Gellert Come, All Harmonious Tongues-Isaac Watts Come, All Ye People, Bless Our God-The Psalter Come, All Ye Servants of the Lord-The Psalter Come, All Ye Shepherds-Bohemian folk song Come, All Ye Sons of God-Thomas Davenport Come, Blessed Spirit! Source of Light-Benjamin Beddome Come, Children, Learn to Fear to the Lord-Isaac Watts Come, Children, Raise Your Voices-Maud Sewall ca Come, Christians, Join to Sing-Christian Bateman Come, Come Away!-Fanny Crosby Come, Come to Jesus-George Peck Come, Come, Ye Saints-William Clayton Come, Dearest Lord-Isaac Watts Come, Divine Interpreter-Charles Wesley Come, Every Pious Heart-Samuel Stennett Come, Every Soul by Sin Oppressed-John Stockton Come, Faithful People-Gerard Moultrie Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost-Charles Wesley Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake-Johann Scheffler Come, Gracious Lord, Descend and Dwell-Isaac Watts Come, Gracious Spirit, Heav'nly Dove-Simon Browne Come, Great Deliverer, Come-Fanny Crosby Come, Heaven-Bound Pilgrims-John Shenk Come, Holy Ghost, All-Quickening Fire-Charles Wesley Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, Come-Anonymous Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!-Martin Luther Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire-Charles Wesley Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire-Rhabanus Maurus ca Come, Holy Ghost, Who Ever One-Ambrose of Milan th Century Come, Holy Ghost, in Love-Robert II of France Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son-Ambrose of Milan th Century Come, Holy Spirit, Calm My Mind-Anonymous Come, Holy Spirit, Come-Benjamin Beddome Come, Holy Spirit, Come(Hart)-Joseph Hart Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine-Adoniram Judson Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!-From the Latin Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove-Isaac Watts Come, Holy Spirit, Raise Our Songs-Robert Brackenbury and Charles Wesley Come, Humble Sinner-Edmund Jones Come, Jesus, and Bless Me-Carl Ackerman Come, Kingdom of Our God-John Johns

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.