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right hand against the first fret. To make F#, one half-tone
higher, just move your first finger up to the second fret.

A fiat is a half-tone lower than the note that is flatted. Ac-
cordingly, to make a flat oil the mandolin, simply move your
finger back to the next fret toward the head of the instrument.

Take Bb as an example, because it is the flat you see most
often. Notice in Fig. 24 that you make the note B by putting
your first finger against the second fret of the second string. To
make Bb, just move your finger back to the first fret of the
second string.

For ready reference, Fig. 25 shows all the notes of the man-
dolin. Only the sharps are shown, but remember that the sharp
of one note may be the flat of the note next above it. Thus, F#
on the first string is also Gb—• a note, by the way, that you will
seldom have to use. Eb is very often used and in Fig. 25 it is
the same as D#.

How the Mandolin Is Played

When playing the mandolin seated, you should rest the body
of the instrument on your right leg and support the neck with
your left hand. Let the lower side of the fingerboard rest on
your left first finger, on the first joint nearest to the palm of

string & notes


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