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Show Me the Way, Dear Savior-Allie Criss Show Pity, Lord, O Lord, Forgive-Isaac Watts Showers of Blessing-Fanny Crosby Shut In-Simpson Ely Signal Lights-Josie Wallace Silent Night-Josef Mohr ca Silent Night! Hallowed Night!-Annie Howe Silently o'er Bethlehem-John Wayland Silently the Shades of Evening-Christopher Cox Sin Has a Thousand Treacherous Arts-Isaac Watts Sin, Like a Venomous Disease-Isaac Watts Sin, When Viewed by Scripture Light-John Newton Since All the Downward Tracts of Time-James Hervey Since He Came to Stay-Fistoria Mieler Since I Found My Savior-Eliza Hewitt Since I Have Been Redeemed-Edwin Excell Since Jesus Came into My Heart-Rufus McDaniel Since Jesus Came to Dwell with Me-Franklin Babb Since Jesus Freely Did Appear-John Berridge Since Jesus Is My Friend-Paul Gerhardt Since Through God's Mercy-Susan Peterson Since We Have Confidence-Susan Peterson Since Without Thee We Do No Good-Elizabeth Browning Since with My God with Perfect Heart-From Psalm Sinful, Sighing to Be Blest-John Monsell Sing Alleluia Forth in Duteous Praise-th Century Latin Sing Alleluia!-Austin Miles Sing Aloud with Gladness-William Cooper Sing Always-Fanny Crosby Sing Away the Shadows-Eliza Hewitt Sing Hallelujah-Mark Adams Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!-John Swertner Sing On-Fanny Crosby Sing Once More of Jesus-Fanny Crosby Sing Out Your Gladsome Carols-Flora Kirkland Sing Out Your Hallelujahs-Thurlow Kommer Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above-Johann Schutz Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above-Johann Sch�tz Sing Praise to Jesus-Fanny Crosby Sing Praise to the Father-Margaret Clarkson Sing Praise to the Lord!-Henry Baker Sing Psalms unto Him-Scottish Psalter and Paraphrases Sing We Merry Christmas-C T Bowen Sing We Now Our Hymns of Gladness-Samuel Longfellow Sing We Now of Joy and Gladness-W Gilbert before Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise-The Venerable Bede Sing We the Glory of Our God-Charles Coffin Sing We the King-Charles Horne Sing We the Song-James Montgomery Sing Ye the Songs of Praise-W Layng th Century Sing a Hymn to Jesus-Edwin Hood Sing a New Song to Jehovah-Arranged by Franz Haydn Sing a New Song to Jehovah-The Psalter Sing and Pray!-Mary Wheeler th Century Sing the Glorious Victory-Alexcenah Thomas Sing the Joy of Easter Day-Alda MilnerBarry Sing the Love of Jesus-Harriet Jones Sing to Me of Heaven-Ada Powell Sing to the Great Jehovah's Praise-Charles Wesley Sing to the Lord Aloud-Isaac Watts Sing to the Lord Jehovah's Name-Isaac Watts Sing to the Lord a Joyful Song-John Monsell Sing to the Lord of Harvest-John Monsell Sing to the Lord the Children's Hymn-Robert Hawker Sing to the Lord with Joyful Voice-Isaac Watts Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise-The Psalter Sing to the Lord, Ye Distant Lands-Isaac Watts Sing to the Lord, Ye Heav'nly Hosts-Isaac Watts Sing to the Lord, the Rock of Our Salvation-From Psalm Sing unto God-Fanny Crosby Sing with All the Saints in Glory-William Irons Sing, All Ye Nations, to the Lord-Isaac Watts Sing, My Soul!-Fanny Crosby Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love-Anonymous circa Sing, My Soul, to God Who Made Thee-Paul Gerhardt Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle-Venantius Fortunatus th Century Sing, My Tongue, the Savior's Glory-Thomas Aquinas Sing, O Children, Sing with Gladness-Anonymous Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn-Christopher Wordsworth Sing, Oh Sing-Marcus Lane Sing, Sing for Christmas!-J H Egar Sing, Ye Ransomed Nations, Sing-Charles Wesley Sing, for the World Rejoices-Marianne Hearn Singing All the Time-Edward Hammond Singing Glory!-Lucy Minor Singing I Go-Eliza Hewitt Singing Today-Lida Keck Singing for Jesus! Praising His Name!-William Flint Singing for Jesus, Our Savior and King-Frances Havergal Singing of Jesus-Fanny Anderson Singing, Light and Free-Fanny Crosby Singing, Speaking, Praying-Ada Blenkhorn Sinner, Art Thou Still Secure-John Newton Sinner, Come to Jesus-A Roten Sinner, Hear the Savior's Call-John Newton Sinner, Heed the Voice of Mercy-J S Kimbrough Sinner, Jesus Loves You Still-Leslie Ball Sinners, Behold That Downward Road-John Dobell Sinners, Behold the Lamb of God-Joseph Hoskins Sinners, Believe the Gospel Word-Charles Wesley

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.