Hymn and Gospel Song lyrics: Titles Beginning THI

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Thine, Jesus, Thine-English Thine, Lord, Is Wisdom, Thine Alone-Ernst Lange Think Gently of the Erring One-Julia Carney Think, Mighty God, on Feeble Man-Isaac Watts Think, O Lord, in Mercy-Edmund Palmer before This Blessed Night-Sandy Coverett This Child We Dedicate to Thee-Christoph Neander This Day a Child Is Born-Richard Chope This Day at Thy Creating Word-William How This Day in Jesus' Name We Meet-Frederick Daries This Day the First of Days Was Made-Gregory I This Endris Night-th Century This Is Jesus' Precious Bible-Richard Davies and Thomas Levi This Is Like Heaven to Me-J E French This Is My Father's World-Maltbie Babcock This Is Our Endeavor-Fanny Crosby This Is Thy Will, I Know-Charles Wesley This Is the Day of Light-John Ellerton This Is the Day of Toil-Horatius Bonar This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made-Isaac Watts This Is the Field-Joseph Hinchsliffe This Is the Victory-Philip Bliss This Joyful Easter-Tide-George Woodward This My Plea-Fanny Crosby This Night a Wondrous Revelation-Caspar Nachtenhafer This Night, O Lord, We Bless Thee-James Burns This Same Jesus-Eliza Hewitt This Ship We Now Commend to Thee-Robert Fergusson ca This Spacious Earth Is All the Lord's-Isaac Watts This by His Love-Carl Yenetchi Those Eternal Bowers-John of Damascus th Century Thou Art Coming-Franklin Belden Thou Art Coming, O My Savior-Frances Havergal Thou Art Gone Up on High-Emma Toke Thou Art Gone to the Grave-Reginald Heber Thou Art My God, O God of Grace-The Psalter Thou Art My Hiding Place, O Lord-Thomas Raffles Thou Art My Portion, Lord-The Psalter Thou Art My Portion, O My God-Isaac Watts Thou Art My Rock-George Root Thou Art My Shepherd-Elsie Thalheimer and Margaret Haycraft Thou Art My Way-Hattie Bird Thou Art the Christ, O Lord-William How Thou Art the Everlasting Word-Josiah Conder Thou Art the Mighty King of Kings-Joseph Proud Thou Art the Way-George Doane Thou Art, O Christ, the Light and Life-Charles Rominger Thou Art, O God, the God of Might-Emily Perkins Thou Art, O God, the Life and Light-Thomas Moore Thou Dear Redeemer, Dying Lamb-John Cennick Thou Delightest, O Lord-Amos Wells Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne-Emily Elliott Thou Didst Teach the Thronging People-Henry Ninde Thou Fairest Child Divine-Gerhard Tersteegen Thou Framer of the Light and Dark-John Keble Thou Glorious God, Before Whose Face-John Chadwick Thou God of All, Whose Spirit Moves-George Rawson Thou God of Glorious Majesty-Charles Wesley Thou God of Love, Thou Ever Blessed-Isaac Watts Thou God of Power and God of Love-John Walker Thou Grace Divine, Encircling All-Eliza Scudder Thou Gracious Power-Oliver Holmes Thou Great Mysterious God Unknown-Charles Wesley Thou Hallowed Chosen Morn of Praise-John of Damascus th Century Thou Hast Been Our Guide This Day-J R Marcum and Mary Lathbury Thou Hast Said, Exalted Jesus-JeanJacques Rousseau Thou Hidden Love of God-Gerhard Tersteegen Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose-Charles Wesley Thou Judge by Whom Each Empire Fell-Percy Dearmer Thou Judge of Quick and Dead-Charles Wesley Thou Knowest, Lord-Henry Hawkes Thou Knowest, Lord-Jane Borthwick Thou Life Within My Life-Eliza Scudder Thou Light of Gentile Nations-Johann Franck Thou Lord of Hosts-Octavius Frothingham Thou Lovely Source of True Delight-Anne Steele Thou My Shield-Fanny Crosby Thou Only Sovereign of My Heart-Anne Steele Thou Power and Peace-Cecil Alexander Thou Remainest-Daniel Whittle Thou Say'st, Take Up Thy Cross-Francis Palgrave Thou Shalt, O Lord, Descend-Anonymous Thou Son of God, Whose Flaming Eyes-Charles Wesley Thou Spakest, Lord, and into One-Charles Coffin Thou Sweet, Beloved Will of God-Gerhard Tersteegen Thou Tender, Gracious Father-Lina Sandell Thou That Dost Save Through Pain-Florence Coates Thou True and Only God-Ernst Lange Thou Virgin-Born Incarnate Word-Anna Hoppe Thou Visiteth the Earth in Love-The Psalter Thou Visiteth the Earth with Showers-The Psalter Thou Who Hast Called Our Being Here-James Fields Thou Who Roll'st the Year Around-Ray Palmer Thou Who Sentest Thine Apostles-John Ellerton Thou Who Thyself Didst Sanctify-George Rawson Thou Who Wast Once a Child-Susan Emery Thou Whom My Soul Admires Above-Isaac Watts Thou Wilt Remember Me-Fanny Crosby Thou to Whom the Sick and Dying-Godfrey Thring Thou, Jehovah, Art My Shepherd-The Psalter

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.