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The Master Hath Come-Sarah Doudney The Master's Call(Bixby)-Mrs J P Bixby The Master's Call(Crosby)-Fanny Crosby The Master's Touch-Horatius Bonar The Meeting Over There-Sarah Goughnour The Meeting in the Air-Isaiah Martin The Mercy of God Is an Ocean Divine-Albert Simpson The Merits of the Saints-th Century Latin The Merry Christmas Bells-Alonzo Abbey The Message Bearers-Alice Wood The Message of His Coming-Robert Winsett The Message of the Bells-Frank Graeff The Midnight Cry-Martin Knapp The Mighty Conqueror-W C Wilbor The Mighty God, Jehovah, Speaks-From Psalm The Mighty God, the Lord-Scottish Psalter The Missionary Marseillaise-W P Rivers before The Mistakes of My Life-Urania Bailey The Model Church-John Yates The Morning Draweth Nigh-Fanny Crosby The Morning Kindles All the Sky-Ambrose of Milan The Morning Land-Fanny Crosby The Morning Light Is Breaking-Samuel Smith The Morning Purples All the Sky-th Century Latin The Morning Star-Lucia Cook The Morning Walks upon the Earth-Stopford Brooke The Morning, the Bright and the Beautiful Morning-Horatius Bonar The Mother's Goodbye-Fanny Crosby The Mouth of Fools Doth God Confess-Martin Luther The Name Which I Whisper-Trygve Bjerkrheim The Name of Jesus-William Martin The Needy Ones of Earth-Edith Tillotson The New Jerusalem-Adrian VermeulenMiller The New Song-Arthur Pierson The New Song-Flora Best The New Wine of Canaan-William King The Newborn King Who Comes Today-Samuel Ward The Night Is Far Spent-Thomas Kelly The Ninety and Nine-Elizabeth Clephane The Offering-John McLaurin The Offering on the Altar Burned-The Psalter The Old Account Was Settled-Frank Graham The Old Book Stands-John Yates ca The Old Book and the Old Faith-George Carr The Old Fountain-Emma Johnston The Old Rugged Cross-George Bennard The Old Ship of Zion-Mary Cartwright The Old Time Way-Robert Harkness The Old Year Now Hath Passed Away-Johann Steuerlein The Old, Old Path-Vida Smith The Old, Old Way-Fanny Crosby The Old-Fashioned Way-Civilla Martin The Only Son from Heaven-Elisabethe Cruciger The Other Shore-William Clark The Other Side-June Glenwood The Palace of the King-Fanny Crosby The Palms-JeanBaptiste Faure The Patriot's Prayer-Fanny Crosby The Peace Which God Alone Reveals-John Newton The Peace of God-J E Jewett The Pearl of Great Price-Birdie Bell The Pearly Gate-Edward Nevin The Pearly White City-Arthur Ingler The Peerless Name-Thoro Harris The Pentecostal Flame-Johnson Oatman Jr The People That in Darkness Walked-Grant Tullar The Perfect World, by Adam Trod-Nathaniel Willis The Pilgrim's Journey-Fanny Crosby The Pilot of Galilee-Lelia Morris The Place Prepared-H M DuBose The Power of God-Frederick Graves The Power of the Holy Ghost-Fanny Crosby The Praise of Sion Waits for Thee-Isaac Watts The Praises of That Saint We Sing-Silvio Antoniano The Praises of Thy Wonders-The Book of Psalms The Precious Friend-Eliza Hewitt The Precious Love of Jesus-Fanny Crosby The Precious Story-Fanny Crosby The Prodigal Child-Ellen Gates before The Prodigal Son-Marion Guild before The Prodigal Son-Thomas Chisholm The Prophet's Call-Thomas Nelson The Quiet Hour-May Grimes The Quiet Hour-George MacManiman The Quiet Hour(-George Beard The Race That Long in Darkness Pined-John Morrison The Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away-Godfrey Thring The Rainbow Round the Throne-Fanny Crosby The Regions Beyond-Albert Simpson The Resurrection-Possibly Aldine Kieffer The Resurrection Day-Palmer Hartsough The Risen Jesus-Julia Johnston The Risen Lord Today Is King-J C Middleton before The River of Life-Mattie Torrey The River of Thy Grace-Paul Rader The Rock That Is Higher Than I-Erastus Johnson The Roll Call Here-H C Woods The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn-Cecil Alexander The Royal Banners Forward Go-Venantius Fortunatus The Royal Telephone-Frederick Lehman

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.