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Are You Looking for a Friend-Alice Hansell Are You Ready-Wenhaupt Slaughenhaupt Are You Ready for the Coming-Ada Habershon Are You Ready to Meet the Bridegroom-L E Larsen and Frederick Graves Are You Sowing the Seed-Palmer Hartsough and Fred Fillmore Are You Washed in the Blood-Elisha Hoffman Are You Winning Souls-Carrie Breck Are You Witnessing for Him-Alice Batchelder Are You Working-Ella Edmiaston Arise! Arise, with Joy Survey-Thomas Kelly Arise, All Souls, Arise-Mary Lathbury Arise, My Gracious God-Isaac Watts Arise, My Soul! My Joyful Powers-Isaac Watts Arise, My Soul, Arise-Charles Wesley Arise, My Tend'rest Thoughts, Arise-Philip Doddridge Arise, O God, and Shine-William Hurn Arise, O Lord, Our God, Arise-The Psalter Arise, Sons of the Kingdom-Johann Rist Arise, Ye Soldiers of the Cross-Hieronymus Annoni Arise, Young Men, Arise-Kate Burr Arise, the Kingdom Is at Hand-Johann Rist Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord-Christopher Wordsworth Arm for the Conflict-Roscoe Stott Arm of the Lord, Awake!-William Shrubsole Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake!-Charles Wesley Army of Endeavor-Ira Sankey Around the Savior's Lofty Throne-Thomas Kelly Around the Throne of God-Henry Ware Jr Around the Throne of God a Band-John Neale Around the Throne of God in Heaven-Anne Shepherd Art Thou Watching o'er Me-Harry Vogt Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid-Stephen of Mar Saba th Century As Above the Darkest Storm Cloud-Daniel Howard As Birds Their Infant Brood Protect-William Cowper As Darker, Darker Fall Around-Anonymous As Each Happy Christmas-Wilhelm Hey As Gathered in Thy Precious Name-Douglas Russell As Jonah, Issuing from His Three Days' Tomb-Cosmas the Melodist th Century As Joseph Was a Walking-Henry Gauntlett As Light, O Christ-From the Russian As Man and Woman We Were Made-Brian Wren As Near the Wished for Port We Draw-Charles York As Now Thy Children Lowly Kneel-Lawrence Tuttiett As Now the Sun's Declining Rays-Charles Coffin As Oft, with Worn and Weary Feet-James Edmeston As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams-Tate and Brady As Pants the Hart for Streams-From Psalm As Pants the Hart for Water Brooks-From Psalm As Shadows Cast by Cloud and Sun-William Bryant As Shadows Lengthen-Richard Adams As Thirsts the Hart for Cooling Flood-The Psalter As Thirsts the Hart for Water Brooks-The Psalter As Thou, O Lord, Hast Made Me Strong-The Psalter As Twilight Softly Falls-Emma Hewitt As We Go Marching Home-Lawrence Scott As We March Beneath His Banner-Lavinia Brauff As When the Hebrew Prophet Raised-Isaac Watts As When the Weary Traveler Gains-John Newton As a Little Child-Miriam Arnold As a Tree Beside the Water-Alfred Ackley As a Volunteer-W S Brown As for Me and My House-Franklin Belden As in the Days of Haggai-Joshua Drake As on the Night Before-George Wither As the Bird Flies Home-Fanny Crosby As the Bridegroom to His Chosen-From Johannes Tauler As the Serpent Raised by Moses-John Newton As the Sun Doth Daily Rise-From the Latin As the Sun's Enlivening Eye-John Newton As with Gladness, Men of Old-William Dix Ascend Thy Throne, Almighty King-Benjamin Beddome Ascribe to the Lord Our God-Susan Peterson Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know-Johann Schwedler Ask for the Showers of Blessing-Franklin Belden Asleep in Jesus-Margaret Mackay Assembled at Thy Great Command-William Collyer At All Times Praise the Lord-John Howson ca At Bethlehem-Luella Clark At Calvary-William Newell At Christmas Time-J E Landor At Easter Time-Laura Richards At Even, Ere the Sun Was Set-Henry Twells At First I Prayed for Light-Ednah Cheney At Length There Dawns the Glorious Day-Ozora Davis At My Redeemer's Feet-Johnson Oatman Jr At Thy Command, Our Dearest Lord-Isaac Watts At Thy Feet, O Christ-William Bright At Thy Feet, Our God and Father-James Burns At the Breaking of the Day-Fanny Crosby At the Cross There's Room-Fanny Crosby At the Cross, Her Station Keeping-From the Latin At the Feet of Jesus-Philip Bliss At the Feet of Jesus Waiting-Alice Lowe At the Foot of the Cross-Robert Harkness At the Grave-Robert Fletcher At the Judgment Bar-Harry Loes At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing-th Century Latin At the Mercy Seat-E Cutler At the Name of Jesus-Caroline Noel Attend, While God's Exalted Son-Isaac Watts

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.