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Almighty Father, Who Dost Give-John Masterman Almighty God, Thy Lofty Throne-The Psalter Almighty God, Who from the Flood-From the Latin Almighty God, Whose Only Son-Henry Baker Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast-John Cawood Almighty Lord, with One Accord-Woolsey Stryker Almighty Maker of My Frame-Anne Steele Almighty Ruler of the Skies-Isaac Watts Almighty Spirit, Now Behold-James Montgomery Almost-Peter Bilhorn Almost-Amy Walton Almost Persuaded-Philip Bliss Alone-Ben Price Alone with God-Johnson Oatman Jr Along the Path of Life-Birdie Bell Alpha, Omega-Susan Peterson Although on Massy Pillars Built-John Newton Always Enough-William Dale ca Always and Ever-Richard Adams Always with Us-Edward Nevin Am I a Soldier of the Cross-Isaac Watts Amazing Grace-John Newton Ambassadors of God-Charles Wesley Amid the Fears That Oppress Our Day-Margaret Clarkson Amid the Splendors of Thy State-John Rippon Amid the Thronging Worshippers-From Psalm Amidst Thy Wrath Remember Love-Isaac Watts Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands-Charles Spurgeon Among His People God Is Known-The Psalter Among th'Assemblies of the Great-Isaac Watts Among the Princes, Earthly Gods-Isaac Watts An Awe-full Mystery Is Here-Matthias Loy An Endless Line of Splendor-Vachel Lindsay An Evening Prayer-Maude Battersby ca An Exile for the Faith-Nicolas le Tourneaux An Image of That Heavenly Light-Jean de Santeuil An Infant Lay Within a Shed-Heinrich von Laufenberg An Open Bible for the World-Henry King Anchored Fast-William Breedlove Ancient of Days-William Doane And Am I Born to Die-Charles Wesley And Am I Only Born to Die-Charles Wesley And Are We Wretches Yet Alive-Isaac Watts And Are We Yet Alive-Charles Wesley And Art Thou Come with Us to Dwell-Dora Greenwell And Can I Yet Delay-Charles Wesley And Can It Be That I Should Gain-Charles Wesley And Didst Thou Love the Race-Jean Ingelow And Dost Thou Say-John Newton And His Glory I Know-George Byrd And Is It So-John Darby And Is It So A Little While-Anonymous And Is This Life Prolonged to Me-Isaac Watts And Is the Time Approaching-Jane Borthwick And Let Our Bodies Part-Charles Wesley And Let This Feeble Body Fail-Charles Wesley And Must I Be to Judgment Brought-Charles Wesley And Must This Body Die-Charles Wesley And Now This Holy Day-Edward Harland And Now the Scales Have Left Mine Eyes-Isaac Watts And Now the Wants Are Told-William Bright And Now, Beloved Lord, Thy Soul Resigning-Eliza Alderson And Now, My Soul, Another Year-Simon Browne And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love-William Bright And Truly It Is a Most Glorious Thing-William Bradford And Will the God of Grace-Isaac Watts And Will the Great Eternal God-Philip Doddridge And Will the Judge Descend-Philip Doddridge And Wilt Thou Pardon, Lord-Joseph the Hymnographer ca Angel Band-William Suffern Angel Hosts in Bright Array-Herbert Irons Angel Voices, Ever Singing-Francis Pott Angel of Peace-Oliver Wendell Holmes Angels Adore Him-Flora Kirkland Angels Holy, High and Lowly-John Blackie Angels We Have Heard on High-French carol Angels Would Tell It-Ruth Alleyn Angels Your March Oppose-Charles Wesley Angels from the Realms of Glory-James Montgomery Angels, Roll the Rock Away-Thomas Gibbons Angry Words-Horatio Palmer Anniversary Hymn-Katharine Bates Another Day Begun!-John Ellerton Another Day Has Come and Gone-Josiah Carley Another Look at the Cross-R L Werry Another Six Days' Work Is Done-Joseph Stennett Another Year Completed-Paulinus of Nola Another Year Is Dawning-Frances Havergal Anthems to God Above-Fanny Crosby Anywhere with Jesus-Jessie Pounds Approach, My Soul, the Mercy Seat-John Newton Are All the Foes of Sion Fools-Isaac Watts Are Sinners Now So Senseless Grown-Isaac Watts Are There No Years in Heaven-Anonymous Are Ye Able-Earl Marlatt Are You Coming Home Tonight-C C Are You Coming to Jesus Tonight-Jessie Pounds Are You Coming to the Feast-Isaac McHose Are You Counting the Cost-H F James Are You Listening-William Marshall

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.