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2 The Lord is King: who then shall dare 4 One Lord, one empire, all secures; Resist His will, distrust His care, He reigns, and life and death are yours: Or murmur at His wise decrees, Through earth and heaven one song shall Or doubt His royal promises? " The Lord Omnipotent is King! " [ring,
3 The Lord is King: child of the dust, 5 O when His wisdom can mistake, |
The Judge of all the earth is just; Holy and true are all His ways: Let every creature speak His praise. |
His might decay, His love forsake, Then may His children cease to sing, The Lord Omnipotent is King.
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2 Lo, God is here: Him day and night 3 Lord God of hosts, O may our praise United choirs of angels sing; Thy courts with grateful incense fill;
To Him, enthroned above all height, Still may we stand before Thy face,
Let saints their humble worship bring. Still hear and do Thy sovereign will.
Ghehard Tersteegen, 173 i. Tr. by John Wesley, 1739 |