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Then, when midnight dravvs nigh and the dial of fun Shows how truly and blyth our gay course we have
run, We'll stand, hand in hand, with our glasses at bay. And we'll drink, 'To our next merry meeting, hurrah'
Newcastle, May 1, 1840. W. G. T. |
What equals on earth the delight of the angler,
For whom does life's cup more enchanting flow ; To follow the stream through the forests and meadows When brightly the beams of the morning first glow.
O ! this is a pleasure that's worthy of Princes, Such health in its wand'rings can ever be found ;
When echoing caverns and forests surround us, More gaily the pledge of the goblet will sound.
The light of Diana illumines our dell,
The groves where in summer we often retreat ;
Nor is then the shy trout in his covert securest, The salmon, so bright, is laid at our feet. |